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Public Sector

Strategic Plan Success: Ontario Crown Corp Transformation


The Mission

Level5 worked with an Ontario Crown Corporation to assist with the renewal of their strategic plan. After this process, Level5 continued work on the organization’s transformation journey and implementation of their strategic plan via facilitating a series of parallel workstreams that touch the entire organization.


The Challenge

The strategic plan had to resonate with the Board of Directors, Executive Team, ~2,000 employees across the organization, Government of Ontario, and provincial customers. It also needed to drive real and sustainable culture change for the Corporation, meaning several tangible workstreams.


The Approach

Defining the Corporation’s Promise and Value Propositions to its customers, stakeholders, and employees was foundational to implementation. Upon defining a resonant Promise through qualitative research with internal and external stakeholders, Level5 worked closely with the Executive Team and various cross-functional teams to operationalize a new change management capability, HR strategy, enterprise mapping, governance of project lifecycles and a risk assessment.


The Outcome

Key Success Factors


Defined the brand strategy and Promise, which served as a guiding principle and reference point throughout the transformation process, ensuring that all actions, decisions, and strategies align to and reinforce the Promise

Established a new change management capability to increase engagement, understanding, and support of change initiatives

Redefined the organization’s HR Strategy through the introduction of a new behaviour-based performance evaluation program that actively reinforces the Corporation’s Promise and desired culture

Defined and operationalized clear accountabilities and ownership of core processes through enterprise mapping

Built the governance of project lifecycles with a focus on technology-related projects

Created a risk-based assessment framework and management tool to more proactively manage political, economic, and reputational risks

Level5 helped the Ontario Crown Corporation instigate a real cultural transformation by:

  • Re-establishing how strategic programs are prioritized and implemented
  • Crystalizing and operationalizing management accountabilities
  • Equipping the Corporation to deliver on its Promise in a much more agile, engaging, and consistent manner.

Our work with the Ontario Crown Corporation proves that a successful transformation strategy and implementation is possible in a regulated, government-mandated environment.

“Level5 was an invaluable partner in helping our organization formulate our strategic plan and achieve stakeholder alignment to a series of complex issues. They got smart fast, built an insightful fact base, brought creativity and exceptional facilitation skills to all our meetings. The process we experienced felt (and was) truly customized to our business needs and objectives, resulting in an actionable, widely supported plan and implementation.”
– Board Chair

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