Perspective Paper
November 8, 2022
Designing experiences that deliver on customers’ critical wants and needs at key moments is not easy and requires commitment from the entire organization. In our three-part series on Customer Centricity, Level5 Strategy defined seven core dimensions embodied by customer-centric organizations. The first two relate to how mature organizations establish clear promises to their customers. The other five describe how they set up their business systems to consistently keep these promises.
Toward the end of 2020, in the midst of COVID, we sought input from a diverse group of leaders across several sectors, roles, and geographies to identify insights around customer-centric organizational maturity. Their perspectives, and the lessons we took away from them, were shared in an earlier report.
Earlier this year, after hearing how different leaders and organizations had been navigating through COVID, we were curious to learn how leaders’ perspectives on customer-centric maturity have evolved over the past 18-months. So, we sought further input from the market, asking an even broader group of leaders to assess their organization’s practices within each of the seven dimensions of customer centricity along a spectrum of five maturity levels: Nascent, Emerging, Developing, Maturing and Best-In-Class.