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Level5 Leaders Forum: <br/>Achieving Profitable Growth with New Canadians


Level5 Leaders Forum:
Achieving Profitable Growth with New Canadians

On October 22, 2019, Level5 Strategy hosted our first-ever Multicultural Strategy forum in collaboration with Borden Ladner Gervais. The topic focused on how organizations can achieve profitable growth in multicultural segments, specifically among “new” Canadians.

We were so fortunate to have a wide range of panelists, including Marianne Taggio, EVP of Corporate Services of Paradigm Quest Capital, Winnie Wong, CMO of OCAD U, Seanna Millar, SVP of SickKids Foundation, Xue Yan, Partner of BLG and Clement Chu, Head of Multicultural Marketing at TELUS Business, sharing their experience, perspectives and leading practices on the topic.

The new Canadian group is one of the most important segments for companies to pursue and it should be on every CEO’s growth agenda.


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