Beyond the Banner: How Canadian Tire Corporation’s Partnerships Drive Value & Loyalty for Canadians
By building trust with customers, Canadian Tire Corporation can deliver exceptional value by transforming data into enhanced experiences, supported by a robust loyalty program and network of partnerships.
Focus Drives Progress: The ‘Art’ and ‘Science’ of Prioritization
Effective prioritization blends art & science, merging discussion, alignment, and business judgment with quantitative analysis and evaluation.
Aaron InocencioNovember 12, 2024
Insights from the Customer Experience Executive Roundtable Discussions
Level5 brought together top cross-industry leaders for an exclusive Executive Roundtable, where they shared candid insights, challenges, and opportunities on driving customer-centricity in their organizations.
Aaron InocencioOctober 31, 2024
How Can A Mid-Plan Review Future-Proof Your Strategy?
Director Evin Demirli explains why conducting a Mid-Plan Review can ensure that leaders are adapting to a dynamic environment while continuing to guide their organization towards their long-term vision.
Aaron InocencioOctober 10, 2024
How can organizations create compelling promises and keep them throughout the employee journey?
Peter Bowman breaks down the difference between Employee Value Propositions and the Employee Experience.
Aaron InocencioSeptember 10, 2024
A Reflection On My Term at Level5: My Learnings As A Co-op Analyst
Jacob Lomer wrapped up his co-op term at Level5 as a Co-op Analyst. A few moments over four months stood out as keys to an incredibly rewarding experience.
Aaron InocencioSeptember 5, 2024
Keeping the Core Brand Equities at the Heart of the Business: The Evolution of Canadian Tire Corporation
In the latest episode of the Brand-Driven CEO, Level5 Founder David Kincaid interviews Susan O'Brien as she explains how Canadian Tire has been able to adapt their business model and loyalty program over the course of the organization’s history to meet the needs of the modern consumer.
Aaron InocencioAugust 22, 2024
How to create a balance between personalization and data protection?
Erika Siegert shares how organizations must balance accessing the rich insights available to them with protecting customers’ privacy.
Aaron InocencioAugust 13, 2024